I've never been shy on social media to take on wokesters spouting their dogma's latest nonsense, no matter the risk to my popularity and often this meant a barage of almost instant abuse and "-ist" and "-ic" accusations as a result of course.
Obviously you see the thought police everywhere on social media now, ready to pounce on the slightest transgression of THEIR values with an instant dogpile from their friends and cohorts who they seem to be able to summon at a moment's notice. It's all straight out of the Marxist handbook I gather - smother the current opposition instantly with an aggressive and socially damaging mass attack BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY in doing so establish an environment of self-censorship, where people are generally no longer prepared to say anything they believe might enrage the angry mob.
Somehow I didn't imagine the BDSM community would ever be affected, I've always found us to be a very tolerant community, we needed to be since many of the practices under the umbrella are pretty far out there and so the YKINMY (your kink isn't my kink) attitude I thought protected everyone from derision or any kind of censorship (except of course regarding acts where there was obviously no informed consent like pedophilia or bestiality).
In 7 years on Fetlife I'd never come across anything to counter this belief. But sadly this no longer holds true, the "Woke Mind Virus" has entered the kink space and I seriously fell foul of them last week writing a post about edge-play and safewords. Much of the content had been on my profile for years so I didn't think it was that controversial but of course there was no way the virtue signalling riteous could attack it on there, as there's no commenting ability, they had to just seethe quietly if they'd ever read it, and probably followed me to keep a watchful eye on my dreadful activities and dangerous opinions.
But, I've slimmed down my profile a lot in recent times as it had got too wordy and so decided to put the safewords part into its own post, expanding on the reasons why I don't like them and they can in fact lead to dangerous situations.
The post prompted an almost instant dogpile from apparently numerous kinksters denouncing me as "an obvious abuser", "a dangerous predator", "a past and future rapist", "someone to redflag" etc. etc., you get the idea. I tried for a while to counter the hysteria with logic and by for example asking the accusers to come up with one single former playmate on Fetlife who would support them, to which the response was "many of the worst abused don't even know they've been abused!". Well how do you counter that shite?
In the end I deleted the post as I realised it had just become a platform for a compulsary safeword doctrine and a warning to others not to dare challenge THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE VIEWPOINT. I had sadly allowed myself to self-cancel, but only because at that time I didn't know I could have simply turned off future comments and then deleted all their crap.
Determined not to be silenced though, I posted again but this time with the comments turned off, oh how those poor red-faced little winnets must have raged at their inability to call in their friends again for another feeding frenzy.
After the event I decided to do a bit of digging into the profiles of the people who were the most egregious and aggressive and discovered they all seemed to belong to the same fairly small group of friends, they were almost all millennials and heavy pronoun wavers, and so very well-versed in the tactics of cancel culture suppression. It turned out they'd been rallying eachother to pile in with status updates denouncing me as "a cis white male predator", and deriding any of my supporters as "all belonging to the same vile patriarchal demographic".
Looking at their activity histories showed that attacking people on Fetlife was pretty much all they did, it was one dogpile after another with updates delighting in how the victims had usually removed their posts or even suspended their profiles!
It's so sad that these people and their methods have now infected our space, and disgusting that their bullying marxist methods are working so well to suppress open discussion, just as intended.
How many people who watched the dogpile on me will now openly express similar views on safewords in future, or who for example having seen a similar dogpile on another victim who pondered the validity of the acronym BBW (Big Beautiful Woman), will ever again hilariously compare seeing one dancing to watching a lava lamp.